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Download Ebook In Light Of Eternity The Life Leonard Ravenhill Mack Tomlinson In Light Of Eternity The In Light of Eternity: The Life of Leonard Ravenhill Hardcover – February 22, 2019. Discover delightful children's books with Prime Book Box, a subscription that delivers new books every 1, 2, or 3 months — new customers receive 15% off your.

By Leonard Ravenhill

Kathleen Dillard Equipping you to change your world. Kathleen Dillard Equipping you to change your world. Download Ebook In Light Of Eternity The Life Leonard Ravenhill Mack Tomlinson In Light Of Eternity The In Light of Eternity: The Life of Leonard Ravenhill Hardcover – February 22, 2019. Discover delightful children's books with Prime Book Box, a subscription that delivers new books every 1, 2, or 3 months — new customers receive 15% off your. An illustration of an open book. An illustration of two cells of a film strip. Video An illustration of an audio speaker. Leonard Ravenhill Personal Letters to friends uploaded Peter-John Parisis Item Preview remove-circle. Download 1 file.

The Gospel Of Prayer

There's nothing more transfiguring than prayer. People oftenask, 'Why do you insist on prayer so much?' The answer is very simple - because Jesus did. You could change the title of the Gospel according to St. Luke to the Gospel of Prayer. It's the prayer life of Jesus. The other evangelists say that Jesus was in the Jordan and the Spirit descended on Him as a dove - Luke says it was while He was praying that the Spirit descended on Him. The other evangelists say that Jesus chose 12 disciples - Luke says it was after He spent a night in prayer that He chose 12 disciples. The other evangelists say that Jesus died on a cross - Luke says that even when He was dying Jesus was prayingfor those who persecuted Him. The other evangelists say Jesuswent on a mount and He was transfigured - Luke says it was whileHe was praying that He was transfigured. There's nothing moretransfiguring than prayer.

The Scriptures say that the disciples went to bed, but Jesus went to pray - as was His custom. It was His custom to pray. Now Jesus was the Son of God - He was definitely anointed for His ministry. If Jesus needed all that time in prayer, don't you and I need time in prayer? If Jesus needed it in every crisis,don't you and I need it in every crisis?

The story goes that a group of tourists visiting a picturesque village saw an old man sitting by a fence. In a ratherpatronizing way, one of the visitors asked, 'Were any great menborn in this village?' Without looking up the old man replied,'No, only babies.' The greatest men were once babies. Thegreatest saints were once toddlers in the things of the Spirit.

C. H. Spurgeon was converted at the age of 16 and beganpreaching in London at the age of 19. When he was 27, they builthim a tabernacle seating 6,000 which he packed twice on Sundays -that's 12,000 - and once on Thursday nights. How? He waited onGod. He got alone with God. He studied...and he prayed.

Desperate Prayer

Leonard Ravenhill Pentecostal

God makes all His best people in loneliness. Do you know what the secret of praying is? Praying in secret.'But you, when you pray, go into your inner room, and when you have shut yourdoor...' (Matt. 6:6). You can't show off when the door's shut and nobody's there. You can't display your gifts. You can impress others, but you can't impress God.

I Samuel 1:1-15 gives an account of the yearly trip Elkanah and his wife, Hannah, made to Shiloh to worship and sacrifice to the Lord. During this time, Hannah had been distressed that she was not able to bear a son for her husband. This passage of Scripture gives quite a descriptive account of her time in prayerconcerning the barrenness of her womb. It says that Hannah wept.More than this, she wept until she was sore. She poured out hersoul before the Lord. Her heart was grieving; she was bitter ofsoul, provoked, and of a sorrowful spirit.

Now that's a pretty good list of afflictions - sorrow,hardship, and everything else that came upon this woman. But thekey to the whole situation is that she was a praying woman. Inverse 20 it says that she reaped her reward. 'And it came aboutin due time, after Hannah had conceived, that she gave birth to ason; and she named him Samuel, saying, 'Because I have asked him of the Lord.'

Now I say very often - and people don't like it - that Goddoesn't answer prayer. He answers desperate prayer! Your prayerlife denotes how much you depend on your own ability, and howmuch you really believe in your heart when you sing, 'Nothing in my hands I bring, simply to Thy cross I cling....' The more self-confidence you have, the less you pray. The less self-confidenceyou have, the more you have to pray.

What does the Scripture say? It says that God takes the lowly, the things that are not. Paul says in I Corinthians 1:28 that God takes the things that are not to bring to nothing the things that are, so that no flesh should glory in His presence. We need a bunch of 'are nots' today.

The Language of the Poor


Prayer is the language of the poor. Over and over again David, the King of Israel, says, 'Incline Thine ear, O Lord, and answer me; for I am afflicted and needy' (Psalm 86:1). And do you remember that one of the greatest psalms he wrote says, 'This poor man cried and the Lord heard him...' (Psalm 34:6).

The apostle Paul overwhelms me with his spirituality, his pedigree, his colossal intellect. Yet he says that he's very conscious that when he's weak, he is strong. He was always tryingto prove to himself and to others that he was a nobody.

True prayer is a two-way communication. I speak to God and Godspeaks to me. I don't know how the Spirit makes communication -or why God needs me to pray - but that's how God works.

'Get Up And Pray!'

One day I was at a conference with Dr. V. Raymond Edman of Wheaton College, one of the greatest Christian educators in thiscountry. He told us of an experience he had while he was inEcuador as a missionary. He hadn't been there long before he wassick and dying. He was so near death that they had already dughis grave. He had great beads of sweat on his brow and there wasa death rattle in his throat. But suddenly he sat straight up inbed and said to his wife, 'Bring me my clothes!' Nobody knew whathad happened.

Many years later he was retelling the story in Boston.Afterward, a little old lady with a small, dog-eared, beaten-upbook, approached him and asked, 'What day did you say you were dying? What time was it in Ecuador? What time would it be inBoston?' When he answered her, her wrinkled face lit up.Pointing to her book, she said. 'There it is, you see? At 2 a.m. God said to get up and pray - the devil's trying to kill Raymond Edman in Ecuador.' And she'd gotten up and prayed.

Leonard ravenhill pentecostal

Duncan Campbell told the story of hearing a farmer in his field who was praying. He was praying about Greece. Afterward, heasked him why he was praying. The man said, 'I don't know. I hada burden in the spirit and God said, 'You pray; there's someonein Greece that is in a bad situation.' I prayed until I got arelease.' Two or three years later the farmer was in a meeting listening to a missionary. The man described a time when he wasworking in Greece. He had been in serious trouble. The time? Twoor three years ago. The men compared notes and discovered that itwas the very same day that God had burdened a farmer, on a littleisland off the coast of Scotland, to pray for a man in Greecewhose name he didn't even know.

It may seem the Lord gives you strange things. I don't care. Ifthe Lord tells you something, carry on with what the Lord tellsyou.

Who Shall Ascend to the Hill of the Lord?'

There's another experience Duncan Campbell told about when he was working in Scotland.

'I couldn't preach,' he said. 'I couldn't get through to God.The heavens were solid. It was as though there was a 10 ft.ceiling of steel.' So he quit trying to preach. He asked a youngman named John Cameron to pray. The boy stood up and said,'What's the use of praying if we're not right with God?' Hequoted the 24th Psalm, 'Who may ascend into the hill of theLord?'

You can't approach God unless your hands are clean, which meansyour relationships with others are clean and your heart isclean. 'Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? He who hasclean hands and a pure heart...' (Psalm 24.3-4).

Leonard Ravenhill Books Pdf 4th Edition

After the boy recited Psalm 24 he began to pray. He prayed 10,15, 20 minutes. Then he suddenly said, 'Excuse me, Lord, while Iresist the devil.' He turned around and began to tell the devilwhere to go and how to get there. He fought for all he was worth.You talk about having on the armor of God and resisting thedevil! When he finished resisting the devil, he finished hisprayer. He prayed for 45 minutes! When he finished praying it wasjust as though God had pulled a little switch in heaven. TheSpirit of God came down on that church, that community, on thedance hall at the other end of town, and the tavern on this endof town. Revival was born in that prayer!

At the end of Malachi it says, 'And the Lord, whom you seek,will suddenly (that's the word I like, suddenly) come to histemple' (Malachi 3:1). Remember what it says about the shepherds?They were watching their flocks by night when suddenly therewas the sound of the heavenly host. Do you remember a bunch ofmen that had been waiting in the upper room? Suddenly the HolySpirit came on them in that room.

There's a date in history that I love very much. It wasWednesday, August 13, 1737. A little group of people in Moraviawere waiting in a prayer meeting. At 11:00 suddenly the HolySpirit came. Do you know what happened? The prayer meeting thatbegan at 11:00 lasted 100 years! That's right. That prayer roomwas not empty for a century! It's the longest prayer among menand women that I know of. Even children six and seven years oldtravailed in prayer for countries the names of which theycouldn't even spell.

Why We Don't Have Revival

In an old town in Ireland they'll show you with reverence aplace where four young men met night after night after nightpraying for revival. In Wales, there's a place in the hills wherethree or four young men only 18 or 19 years old met and prayednight after night. They wouldn't let God go; they would not takeno for an answer. As far as humanly possible they prayed arevival into birth. If you're thinking of revival at your churchwithout any inconvenience, forget it. Revival costs a lot.

I can give you one simple reason why we don't have revival inAmerica. Because we're content to live without it. We're notseeking God - we're seeking miracles, we're seeking big crusades,we're seeking blessings. In Numbers 11, Moses said to God,'You're asking me to carry a burden I can't handle. Do somethingor kill me!' Do you love America enough to say, 'God, sendrevival or kill me'? Do you think it's time we changed PatrickHenry's prayer from, 'Give me liberty or give me death,' to 'Giveme revival or let me die'?

In the 30th chapter of Genesis, Rachael goes to Jacob andthrows herself down in despair. She says, 'Give me children orelse I die.' Are you willing to throw yourself down before God toseek the spiritual birth of spiritual children in our country?

People say, 'I'm filled with the Holy Spirit.' If the coming ofthe Spirit didn't revolutionize your prayer life, you'd bettercheck on it. I'm not so sure you got what God wanted you to get.

We've said that prayer changes things. No! Prayer doesn'tchange things. Prayer changes people and they change things.We all want Gabriel to do the job. God says do it yourself - withMy sufficiency and My strength.

We need to get like this woman, Hannah. What did she do? She wept, she was grieved, she said she had a complaint, she fasted -and she prayed.

Jesus, the anointed of God, made prayer His custom. Paul, withhis background and intellect, depended on prayer because he saidhe was weak. David, the king, called himself a poor man and criedto the Lord. Hannah prayed for a son and gave birth to a prophet.The prayers of a handful of young men sparked revival.

There's nothing more transfiguring than prayer.

COPYRIGHT/REPRODUCTION LIMITATIONS: This data file is the sole property of Leonard Ravenhill. It may not be altered or edited in any way. It may be reproduced only in its entirety for circulation as 'freeware,' without charge. All reproductions of this data file must contain the copyright notice (i.e., 'Copyright (C)1995 by Leonard Ravenhill, Lindale, Texas'). This data file may not be used without the permission of Leonard Ravenhill for resale or the enhancement of any other product sold. This includes all of its content with the exception of a few brief quotations. Please give the following source credit: Copyright (C)1994 by Leonard Ravenhill, Lindale, Texas - http://www.ravenhill.org